The Director of National Telecommunication & Technology Institute participated in the SPARK Forum.

(Mogadishu, August 17, 2023) The Director of National Telecommunication & Technology, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Abdullahi Goosaar, participated in the first discussion of the SPARK Forum on the topic of “Digital Boundary in Somalia”.
The director presented at the forum a topic about “National strategy for ICT in Somalia” and introduced the ministry’s role in promoting the use of ICT.
Director Goosaar welcomed the innovation brought by the youth and at this period, it is the first priority to find a platform specifically to analyze the ICT. To promote ICT in the country, important laws have been approved for communication and this has led us to be ahead of countries that are more economically developed than us. Everything that is brought to the country needs to go through procedures and laws,” said Director Goosaar.
The SPARK Forum program consisted of thought-provoking keynotes, panel discussions, round-ups and interactions designed to foster collaboration and technological innovations in the country.
The SPARK forum represents the beginning of innovation, the ultimate change in technology, and is an event held every three months, to bridge the gap between our dreams today and our reality tomorrow.
Contact for details
Office of Media & Public Relations
Ministry of Communications & Technology.
Mogadishu, Somalia
